NaNoWriMo wcapi



rid rname wcrank wordcount averank average wordcount count
210 USA :: Minnesota :: Saint Cloud 376 1652742 489 20155 82
3700237 Canada :: New Brunswick :: Fredericton 377 1630288 147 26726 61
308 USA :: Texas :: Amarillo 378 1613965 267 24454 66
235 USA :: Colorado :: Greeley 379 1605249 329 23606 68
1011721 USA :: Arizona :: Prescott 380 1603633 202 25454 63
207 USA :: New York :: Plattsburgh 381 1582049 174 25935 61
3700381 New Zealand::Otago-Southland 382 1569460 66 29064 54
3177643 Canada :: Ontario :: Brantford-Norfolk 383 1567697 22 33355 47
3015343 USA :: Ohio :: Athens 384 1567480 292 24115 65
238 USA :: California :: Antelope Valley 385 1566399 498 19827 79
3011905 USA :: Alabama :: Auburn 386 1561764 519 17162 91
3026180 USA :: West Virginia :: Morgantown 387 1555809 349 23221 67
311 Asia :: Taiwan 388 1555159 331 23563 66
3004665 Europe :: Scotland :: Fife 389 1551780 357 23160 67
106 Canada :: New Brunswick 390 1541189 463 21112 73

Wordcount chart

Note: small chart below is linked to larger chart.

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NaNoWriMo wcapi designed by Tim Yao (aka NewMexicoKid) and Russ Uman (firebus). Disclaimer: this is not an official NaNoWriMo site but instead is a service provided by NMK for NaperWriMo