NaNoWriMo wcapi



rid rname wcrank wordcount averank average wordcount count
3015490 USA :: Iowa :: Grinnell 518 250939 501 19303 13
3015368 USA :: Arkansas :: Eureka Springs 519 249261 12 35608 7
3036979 USA :: Florida :: Sebring 520 247866 477 20655 12
3015531 USA :: Nebraska :: Chadron 521 242222 4 40370 6
3615126 USA :: Iowa :: Orange City 522 233080 535 13710 17
3709107 Mexico :: Baja California :: Rosarito 523 230217 196 25579 9
3015349 USA :: Ohio :: Marion 524 225567 532 15037 15
3004654 Europe :: Scotland :: Isle of Skye 525 218622 8 36437 6
3701476 USA :: Massachusetts :: Southbridge/Sturbridge 526 214473 534 14298 15
3015542 USA :: New York :: Bath 527 208021 468 20802 10
2016853 USA :: Florida :: Key West 528 197370 251 24671 8
153 Israel :: Elsewhere 529 190121 528 15843 12
298 Elsewhere :: Bahamas 530 189141 34 31523 6
3276777 USA :: North Dakota :: Dickinson 531 177285 14 35457 5
1027384 USA :: Arizona :: Patagonia 532 128024 526 16003 8

Wordcount chart

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NaNoWriMo wcapi designed by Tim Yao (aka NewMexicoKid) and Russ Uman (firebus). Disclaimer: this is not an official NaNoWriMo site but instead is a service provided by NMK for NaperWriMo