NaNoWriMo wcapi



rid rname wcrank wordcount averank average wordcount count
36 USA :: Michigan :: Detroit 28 17908075 330 23594 759
151 USA :: Arizona :: Phoenix 29 17672354 444 21657 816
16 USA :: District of Columbia 30 17611818 420 22153 795
161 USA :: Missouri :: St. Louis 31 17379716 332 23549 738
121 Europe :: France 32 17328396 42 30561 567
168 USA :: California :: South Bay 33 17291522 119 27273 634
65 USA :: Pennsylvania :: Philadelphia 34 15639867 488 20232 773
47 USA :: New Hampshire 35 15579230 285 24191 644
101 Canada :: Ontario :: Ottawa 36 15409086 51 29920 515
301 Europe :: England :: Yorkshire 37 14918440 263 24536 608
267 USA :: North Carolina :: Raleigh-Durham 38 14833760 257 24599 603
164 USA :: Missouri :: Kansas City 39 14593901 256 24610 593
300 USA :: Indiana :: Indianapolis 40 14314421 234 24851 576
96 Canada :: Alberta :: Edmonton 41 14191020 54 29750 477
178 Europe :: England :: Birmingham-West Midlands 42 14071548 129 27060 520

Wordcount chart

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NaNoWriMo wcapi designed by Tim Yao (aka NewMexicoKid) and Russ Uman (firebus). Disclaimer: this is not an official NaNoWriMo site but instead is a service provided by NMK for NaperWriMo