NaNoWriMo wcapi



rid rname wcrank wordcount averank average wordcount count
170 USA :: New York :: Albany 63 10229219 277 24297 421
179 USA :: Colorado :: Boulder 64 10220839 272 24393 419
272 USA :: Idaho :: Boise 65 10181536 217 25139 405
232 USA :: North Carolina :: Charlotte 66 9890606 350 23217 426
72 USA :: Tennessee :: Nashville 67 9856595 152 26567 371
35 USA :: Michigan :: Ann Arbor 68 9822900 342 23387 420
284 USA :: Michigan :: Ottawa County-Grand Rapids 69 9811006 275 24344 403
79 USA :: Utah :: Elsewhere 70 9728742 149 26654 365
104 Canada :: Quebec :: Montreal 71 9705522 288 24143 402
71 USA :: Pennsylvania :: Elsewhere 72 9519110 199 25520 373
57 USA :: Ohio :: Cincinnati 73 9314803 403 22445 415
147 Asia :: Japan 74 9303053 103 27687 336
113 Australia :: Elsewhere in Australia 75 9293880 97 27825 334
2 USA :: Alaska 76 9282806 209 25362 366
77 USA :: Texas :: San Antonio 77 9240476 310 23815 388

Wordcount chart

Note: small chart below is linked to larger chart.

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NaNoWriMo wcapi designed by Tim Yao (aka NewMexicoKid) and Russ Uman (firebus). Disclaimer: this is not an official NaNoWriMo site but instead is a service provided by NMK for NaperWriMo