NaNoWriMo wcapi


The NaNoWriMo wordcount graph for Dichotomy6958 and writing buddies.

[Go update your wordcount!]


  • Average wordcount: 40196.92
  • Wordcount standard deviation: 3138.21
  • % Active (non-zero wordcount): 80.0% (12/15)
  • % Winners (wordcount>50k): 60.0% (9/15)
  • % 40k+ (wordcount>40k): 60.0% (9/15)

#uid NaNo handle Wordcount
1 31432 Miq 61379
2 27181 Dichotomy6958 51178
3 53836 tysonh 51068
4 2247 axodys 50623
5 49856 Dorbledog 50569
6 53821 SaraSH 50270
7 4833 CarlyCheeese 50106
8 38612 qkari 50070
9 50157 craigd 50063
10 2986 selain 5900
11 52998 spyder 5833
12 34563 Spence 5304
13 35090 dragonfire8007 0
14 1181 damina 0
15 47234 doombot 0

Wordcount chart

Note: small chart below is linked to larger chart.

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This tool, written by Tim Yao, uses the NaNoWriMo wcapi designed by Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid) and Russ Uman (firebus)