NaNoWriMo wcapi


The NaNoWriMo wordcount graph for TinyBites and writing buddies.

[Go update your wordcount!]


  • Average wordcount: 44442.20
  • Wordcount standard deviation: 2586.59
  • % Active (non-zero wordcount): 100.0% (5/5)
  • % Winners (wordcount>50k): 80.0% (4/5)
  • % 40k+ (wordcount>40k): 80.0% (4/5)

#uid NaNo handle Wordcount
1 109561 peruvianchihuahua 50872
2 52546 TinyBites 50685
3 78610 peanutga11ery1 50373
4 87741 Laume 50226
5 34413 JulieZSti 20055

Wordcount chart

Note: small chart below is linked to larger chart.

[Return to the wordcount index][Return to NaNoWriMo]

This tool, written by Tim Yao, uses the NaNoWriMo wcapi designed by Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid) and Russ Uman (firebus)