NaNoWriMo wcapi


Disclaimer: This is not an official NaNoWriMo site but merely an unofficial tool provided by NewMexicoKid for NaperWriMo.

The NaNoWriMo wordcount graph for veganfred and writing buddies.


  • Total wordcount: 132595
  • Average wordcount: 44198.33
  • Wordcount standard deviation: 20843.31
  • % Active (non-zero wordcount): 100.0% (3/3) - (compared with 36.1% internationally)
  • % Winners (wordcount>50k): 66.7% (2/3)
  • % Winners of Active (wordcount>50k): 66.7% (2/3) (compared with 30.38% internationally)
  • % 40k+ (wordcount>40k): 66.7% (2/3)
  • % Returning: 100.0% (3/3)
  • % Returning Who Won: 66.7% (2/3)
  • % Returning Who Won of Active Returners: 66.7% (2/3)
  • % of Winners who were Returners: 100.0% (2/2)

Wordcount chart

Note: small chart below is linked to larger chart.

Legend:Danger, danger, Will Robinson!On target! Good for youOn target! (just a different row)Oh my stars! You've won!
Click on uid or handle to see the profile; Wordcount to see details of wordcount progress
#uid NaNo handle Wordcount Joined Total Posts Genre Nano Done Nano Won Author Book Title Novel Wordcount
1 5954 veganfred 80300 October 22, 2002 61 Young Adult & Youth '01 | '02 | '03 | '04 | '05 | '06 '01 | '02 | '03 | '04 | '05 | '06 Fireballs 80,300
2 158829 Inoru no Hoshi 50233 October 30, 2006 163 Satire, Humor & Parody '06 - The Hole in the World 50,233
3 21023 Zloca 2062 October 12, 2003 1 - '03 | '04 | '05 '04 | '05 - 2,062

Note: to include the linked graph on a forum post, copy/paste the following:

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

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This tool, written by Tim Yao, uses the NaNoWriMo wcapi designed by Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid) and Russ Uman (firebus)