NaNoWriMo wcapi


Disclaimer: This is not an official NaNoWriMo site but merely an unofficial tool provided by NewMexicoKid for NaperWriMo.

The NaNoWriMo wordcount graph for this forum post re: Vancouver_scanpost and everyone who posts there.


  • Total wordcount: 706951
  • Average wordcount: 47130.07
  • Wordcount standard deviation: 1931.31
  • % Active (non-zero wordcount): 100.0% (15/15) - (compared with 36.1% internationally)
  • % Winners (wordcount>50k): 80.0% (12/15)
  • % Winners of Active (wordcount>50k): 80.0% (12/15) (compared with 30.38% internationally)
  • % 40k+ (wordcount>40k): 80.0% (12/15)
  • % Returning: 80.0% (12/15)
  • % Returning Who Won: 73.3% (11/15)
  • % Returning Who Won of Active Returners: 91.7% (11/12)
  • % of Winners who were Returners: 91.7% (11/12)

Wordcount chart

Note: small chart below is linked to larger chart.

For a larger scale, see this graph

Legend:Danger, danger, Will Robinson!Arr! Matey! All in a day's work! On target! Good for youOn target! (just a different row)Oh my stars! You've won!
Click on uid to visit nanolyser; handle to see the profile; Wordcount to see details of wordcount progress
#uid NaNo handle Wordcount Joined Total Posts Genre Nano Done Nano Won Author Book Title Novel Wordcount
1 306291 pwinkle 71990 July 5, 2008 36 Science Fiction Official Participant 08| Breaking the Bonds 71,990
2 39117 Tweetyiscool29 71426 October 2, 2004 55 Fantasy Official Participant 04|06|08| The Lady of Lore 71,426
3 89151 ShirtNinja 56574 October 14, 2005 58 Adventure Official Participant 05|06|07|08| - 56,574
4 97647 MysteriousAges 54610 October 24, 2005 116 Fantasy Municipal Liaison 05|06|08| Gateway: The Book of Magic 54,610
5 226670 Sue___B 51041 October 25, 2007 60 Young Adult & Youth Official Participant 07|08| Kiere - after the Ecopocolypse 51,041
6 46487 Aibi 50631 October 14, 2004 59 Other Genres Official Participant 04|05|06|08| Flee 50,631
7 521323 GwendolynIV 50496 October 11, 2009 4 Fantasy Official Participant 03|04|05| It's like dissecting a frog with a comma 50,496
8 25200 rii_adresca 50384 October 22, 2003 72 Fantasy Official Participant 03|04|05|06|08| Freebooter 50,384
9 49414 Calvynne 50248 October 18, 2004 30 - Official Participant 04|05|06|07|08| - 50,248
10 513069 itmustbecarly 50235 October 2, 2009 18 Science Fiction Official Participant 08| Homecoming 50,235
11 415701 Jenbroo 50190 October 18, 2008 22 Other Genres Official Participant 08| A Mistaken Identity 50,190
12 519017 CaitB 50015 October 8, 2009 26 Young Adult & Youth Official Participant Water 50,015
13 45142 elenya 20421 October 12, 2004 34 Science Fiction Official Participant Reinstantiated 20,421
14 309330 sjessa786 17000 August 26, 2008 13 - Official Participant - 17,000
15 585360 deborah_bby 11690 November 2, 2009 16 Science Fiction Official Participant 08| - 11,690

Note: to include the linked graph on a forum post, copy/paste the following:

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

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This tool, written by Tim Yao, uses the NaNoWriMo wcapi designed by Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid) and Russ Uman (firebus). is a great new tool written and offered by Daniel H Lewis.